Monday, March 22, 2010

Children's Story Book

Saturday morning was was mild and no wind. We headed out with Jack and stroller to go the the post office and Samkaup and just get outside. Right by the post office is a house with a very cute dog and at least a rooster that we have been hearing. As we were hanging out and chatting a bit with the owner, Halldor came running by and introduced us officially. We got to see the chickens and even got a dozen eggs. The post office was closed so off to Samkaup. We were going to the post office to pick up our Pesach care package from Bryan and Nina!!!! They sent us matzah, matzah meal and cake meal, yay and THANK YOU!!!!! I failed to mention that due to Zelia letting Jack out before we left Jacob locked the door, which I pulled shut without the keys!!!! So, after the market we went to Halldor to get a screw driver. That morning it seemed we had bumped into everyone we know, which isn't much, but they were all out. We walked by Oli (Halldor's dad's house) and got a pipe wrench too. Back at home, Jacob crawled in through the window and we were in!

While Zelia slept we worked on getting dinner together, Halldor, Sigga, Gudrun Anna, Pali and Oli were coming. Jacob was preparing the cod he had caught earlier in the week with sherry, raisins and pine nuts, savory bread pudding, roasted red peppers, barley and chickpea salad and a yummy dessert...perfect for Pesach by the way. It was a wonderful evening, the kids all played inside, then on the porch then out with Jack and then finally at the park. It was SOOOOO nice. somehow they all knew when to return for dessert:) and then kept playing inside until almost 9. the daylight is pretty long now...light at 7am and dark by 8:30ish.

Sunday was also a very nice day, cooler but still not windy. We walked to the beach and along it which Jacob has been dying to do for a long time. The beach here is black sand. Zelia walked all the way there and back and had the most fun finding sheets of ice to break with her feet. After all that walking she was pretty tired and just lay in bed quietly of the videos.

Zelia and I napped and Jacob headed out with Pali and Halldor to do some ice fishing...he came back with a trout for dinner, yummmmm. Zelia loves eating the freshly caught fish.