Friday, March 4, 2011

Jack went to the Vet

On Tuesday we picked Zelia up early from school and we drove over the mountain to Saudarkrókur for our first family dentist appointment. this was Zelia's first visit and she HATES when people she doesn't know touch her so this was not that fun for her. Eventually she screamed so much that he was able to take a look inside. Then the VERY nice doctor gave her a ring that she LOVES.

Next on the docket, Jack's vet appointment. he hasn't been since we arrived and we wanted to see if there were any annual shots he needed, etc and to ask about his teeth. I have had him since he was 4 months old and I think since he was a year old the vets have been showing me his bad teeth. The vet in the US wanted A LOT of money to put him under and clean them...hmmmm, just wasn't sure about it all to be honest. So we were especially wanting to ask the vet here about it all. He looked, said they were bad but that his gums looked good, yay. He said he could clean them and right then and there sedated him and we watched as he scratched and chipped off the plaque with an ultra sound pick was wild, pieces like rock were coming off.

It is super weird to see your dog sedated and it brought up bad memories of putting Mikey down. His tongue was just hanging out of his mouth, poor guy. Anyway, when he was done and discovered two lose teeth which will have to be looked at later to determine their need to be pulled, the vet gave him the antidote to wake him up. t took longer than expected and Jack's irregular breathing pattern put us all on edge. But all of a sudden, he blinked, he moved his tail, he lifted his head and before too long was standing. Oh....the vet had at least one daughter who was 4 and so Zelia made herself quite at home playing with her.

So, for those of you who are dog owners, I know you are wondering what this whole thing cost us and I will mention he gave him a look over, a de-worming pill and a vaccine. We walked out $90 poorer and smiling!!!! can you believe it?

His teeth look great and although the rest of the evening was sort of slow for him, he didn't even bark when Ninette came to the door, but morning he was up and bouncing.