Our emotions have run from extreme sadness and loss to happiness to see family and friends, from anxiety about what will be and where we will go, to concern and anger over the state of heath care in the US and the way it locks us in and is the driving factor in our decisions....
All the meanwhile, trying to keep things as steady and normal as possible for Zelia, whose sleeping has become a bit more fitful and I am sure it is no coincidence. For me I have finally begun to make the needed attitude adjustment to return with positive and forward thinking energy trying to stay present and focused on what is happening now and not in a month or even further. I am forever thankful for Baki's good advice - only make the decisions you have to. whew it has become a mantra for me.
On Friday night we had Gisli, Gerdur, Tomas and Tray over for Shabbat dinner - hard ti imagine not sharing our meals with them...
Last Saturday we took Zelia to the sports morning. I knew it was happening but had not realized that she was old enough to join. So we walked to the sport's complex and found ourselves in the large gym full of children of all ages, mostly ranging from Zelia (almost 21 months) to 10. The gym was set up with a trampoline, climbing ropes, hockey sticks, balance beam, large balls, mats, soccer balls and goals, running with batons, basketball, bean bag tossing, jumping - it was fabulous and Zelia had a great time and tried everything which was so neat. After that we all headed to Gerdur's store for music time. She was pretty tired but ate and listened and had a good nap after that.
The week itself was pretty uneventful and we were preparing, mentally, for our departure. On Wednesday we went swimming with Heidy, Alexander and Sigga. It is so cute ecause Zeia and Alexander walk to the pool holding hands the whole way!!!
The staff at the University Centre had a goodbye party for me and 2 others at Peter's house on Thursday night. It was lovely and we each got an amazing print of a photograph of the snow covered fjords.... As our sadness and some anxiety climbed, Jacob got two emails - both from positions in Maine, one asking for references and writing samples and the other for a phone interview - YAY. We will see. They are both way up close to Canada, in places that will feel somewhat like here which makes us happy. We will report if anything comes of it.
That night Tray watched Zelia as she slept and we made small hallot for Gerdur to sell at the store - they sold well I believe.
On Friday night we wree invited to a goodbye dinner with Heidy, Sigga, Alexander, and Eduard. We had some lam, potatoes and cake, perfectly Icelandic. they are a great family and they have certainly enriched our time here.
Yesterday, we headed to the sports morning again and then to music - have to take advantage before we leave...Did I mention i bought lopi wool for 4 sweaters that are now packed with the skis and fishing rods....Last night we had a pot-luck dinner with our neighbors, David and Gabriella (current professor). Jacob had been given a wild goose by some very nice people in town and he prepared it. I must admit it was delicious and I am sure that the gravy and blueberry sauce. Today he is off hunting and we will go to the pool eventually.
here is a video of Zelia dancing with Jamie...check out her moves, do I see some break dancing/modern dance happening????
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