There have been two artists from Germany who created a project while they were here at NES that went like this. They brought with them several of their prints which they displayed on a wall in the old freezer in the studios. Then they invited anyone from the community to bring something and make a trade. The first time we went we traded some potatoes from our garden for the flower in our living room. Then on Saturday we took hallah and rhubarb jam and got the salmon. It really was a very neat idea. On the first evening we went there was an open house at the residency and the place was alive with energy, not just from visitors but from the artists themselves. There really was a lot to see. A girl in town, Laufey, that we know traded some flute playing for a print and we were lucky enough to be in the audience.
We had a very nice weekend, low key, each of us dealing with a cold as it hit us and making some delicious food. On Thursday night we made this quinoa big bowl , but with carrots, zuccini, hard boiled eggs, mushrooms and onions...a play on bip pim bop, Friday night this gratin (
Saturday we had an Indian chicken with rice. Last night we had a pot luck to say goodbye to Ana, a woman from Portugal who has been here for 3 months working with Jacob and I made this polenta spinach lasagna. It was a really lovely evening with delicious food but a very over tired Zelia. We stayed as long as we could.
The walk home somehow struck was almost dark with just a bit of light streaming through the clouds over the cliffs, there were porch lights and street lights on and it was still rather mild outside. The day had been sunny and beautiful. As I walked home and looked around it felt very cozy and really reminded me of the kibbutz, it was a really nice feeling.
Ahhhh...but this morning what did we get??? A Lazer blowout on our bed and then Jack ran away, or I should make that in the present tense as he has still not returned?...he has a major running away bug and it is a BIG problem!!!! So much for heading to Blonduos today.
Tomorrow I have my first dance class with the girls for their elective, pretty excited!
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