I have been surprised, as a parent, that my most favorite feeling is when I see Lazer and Zelia so happily playing together. While Lauren and Ian were here Zleia was sick for a few days and after a week of being at leikskoli happily, she is sick again! It is nothing serious, all the kids seem sick these days. Yesterday only 3 kids were in Zelia´s class, 9 out sick!
The 3 year appointment was very sweet and I was especially proud of Zelia and her self awareness. Sigga was sitting with her and asking her questions. She was being very shy and not answering. I finally asked Zelia if it would be better if Jacob, Lazer and I waiting outside of the room and she said 'yes'. We left and she stayed happily talking to Sigga. Sigga did tell me that Zelia answered her only in English, Sigga spoke only Icelandic. At one point she pointed to pictures and asked Zelia to repeat after her, for ex. stór bolli and Zelia would answer big ball. when she was finished Lazer had his 6 month check-up, but the vaccination hadn't arrived so we will go back.
I also chatted with the doctor...I have been having headaches since he was born, 6 months, so we will take some blood tomorrow and see if anything comes up.

Zelia was making soup!!!!! Jacob left last Tuesday for Reykjavik and then Thursday he flew to London for his first business trip and first talk about lumpfish...all very exciting and very successful. We did great here at home, playing, going to leikskoli, taking naps together, etc. We also had some meals with friends, like Friday night. We went to Uma, Shiloh and Rolan'ds place for pizza and playing and had a grat time. Actually when we left we saw the most spectacular display of northern lights i have seen yet. Yhey were all green, some bowing across the sky, some swirling, some jagged, at times with bright light green and other times duller. The minute I blinked they would shift in some small but noticeable way...amazing. I tried to capture some pictures when we got home, but I couldn't - there is one below and the fact that you can see the green speaks to how strong they were. Jacob returned Saturday night for a late dinner and Zelia was SO excited to see him.

These are little beads that Zelia's plays with at school, although there they are bigger. She really loves them almost as much as building puzzles. Jacob brought her a new puzzle from London of Noah's Ark and she jumped right in to make it.

On Saturday we met Uma, Melody and Roland for a nice walk and a short visit with this pony.

Is this love or what?

Walking toward the beach.

Northern Lights

Here he is, Lazer Harry, just a few days short of 6 months when the picture was taken.

Uma and Zelia painting at our house.
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