yes, I am all over the place in this posting because the photo upload is not cooperating, however, I feel it is totally apprpriate for THIS 3rd birthday cake with pink frosting to open the spread.

And we will not forget the beautiful pink strawberry ice cream in the cast iron dutch oven...what a presentation!

Since December, Zelia has been waiting for Saba to come and has been talking about him at school and he made it! So wonderful for his second trip to Iceland for her birthday (3rd trip overall). He got in and hopped on the bus to come north, which gave him some much needed sleep. I picked him up in Blönduós and we went for a swim. It is always a nice thing to do after that flight and bus ride and not much sleep. Then we picked Zelia up from school and although she was her shy self it didn't last more than 5 minutes!

I had to show this because this is beautiful and we got it right here in Iceland.

Well, almost, everyone is asleep...even Jack, you can only see part of his tail.

Poor Aba was a champ getting in and out between the TWO car seats and figuring out the seat belt.

Seriously, the ride was worth it for the pool in Hofsós. It is so gorgeous. they are in the hot pot and you can see the bigger pool beyond. I got to do a few laps and seriously thought, oh if only Skagaströnd had such a pool, I would live in it. It was a wild drive through super thick fog. We opted against Grettislaug at the time because of the fog. Afterward we went to Saudarkrókur and got some lunch at Ólafshús, soup and salad for everyone and then to the bakery for treats. the spelt chocolate chip cookie was PERFECT.

Loves holding her Saba´s hand whenever we went anywhere.

We had a wonderful Shabbat dinner at home and invited Olafia. Jacob made a beautiful leg of lamb. Almost every night we would put the kids in the stroller and go for a long walk. On Friday we walked under the clear sky and million stars for about an hour and a half. The kids would fall asleep and Aba would talk about the moon and universe:) He also had a great show of northern lights which seems to be his thing and also something that happens quite remarkably around Zelia's birthday. She certainly seems celestial in that way...born on a full lunar eclipse and then strong northern lights at least for her 1st and 3rd birthdays.

Oh, do you think she likes it???? Man give this girl a bone to gnaw on and she is happy.

Saba brought Zelia the whole Whinnie the Pooh collection and everyone is listening. Funny, I SO remember Aba reading me stories, his intonation and everything...some things just stick.

I stayed home on Saturday to bake the cakes and the crew went out fishing. Each one caught a fish, well except for Lazer who was fast asleep.

Yes, Lazer is inside.

Apparently, Zelia felt like ignoring the no bike riding in the house rule:) The weather while Saba was here was so beautiful the bike came out and this was too funny to pass up.

Big sister, little brother. they absolutely love each other.

The kids began showing up on Sunday, February 20 at 3pm....I made pink play dough for them to play with. ALL the girls came in their pink dresses. Zelia was excited as we were getting ready, but wasn't sure what to do upon the arrivals.

Here she is, the 3 year old, in her new dress that Amama made for her - she loves it. Turning 3 was a little hard, she didn't want to do it, after 2 days she got used to the idea and was even talking about how next will be 4.

Hello crazy rolling toy from Uncle Baki and Aunt Angie!

Valdimar and Athena showed up. They live down the street, lucky for us!

This is Þórrún, Zelia´s teacher. Zelia cuddled with her almost the entire time, and we think she changed into all brown because of Þórrún´s brown shirt!

mmmmm, veggies, fruit and heittibrauð.

Zelia playing with Uma and Irena Lind.

Reading "When we are Six" (this was before the party).

Yes, this is my son in a Red Sox outfit, hahaha.

It was a good call earlier in the visit, because we found Saba a ride for Tuesday morning with the Mayor and on Monday after picking Zelia up from school we headed to Grettislaug and it was fabulous. We spent an hour in these lovely pools. The big one was SO hot.

Last birthday picture....my plan worked, full of veggies and fruit there was plenty of cake and ice cream left on the plates.
It was a wonderful visit with Saba, short, but perfect in a 100 different ways.
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