Well, I am happy to say that Jacob will be home tomorrow - 2 weeks is just TOO much...ugh. i won't say that it was the happiest weeks I have had since being here but that's how it goes I suppose. Al last year's students have left and the new batch has come in - 20 of them from all over, Finland, France, England, Germany, USA, Canada, Mauritius, Iran (on the way), Germany, Wales...I think that covers it. They are at the moment all congregating next door for an apartment hop...thank god for Jamie saying they had to be the first:)
Before Danielle left we got to go to Betty's for a visit. Zelia and i had not been since last fall when we went to gather the sheep - we will return for that in 2 weeks. Here are a few pictures from that, it was a cold, gray windy day, but the beach is always beautiful.
This will just be a random update entry I think....Zelia has been doing great in leikskola (playschool) and had one drop off this week without tears - just in time:) She is earning a lot more Icelandic but she doesn't usually use it with me, but I heard some words in school on Friday. She seems to like being there and especially likes her teachers, Haldora, Bryndis and Valdys and she really likes two little girls Sofia and Arna. Her friend Alexander began there as well and here are some pictures with him from playing in the park today - it was SO cute. She is learning SO many new words and I am trying to keep up with them in a book...and she is putting words together, like kiseh Ima (chair Ima) auto Daddy...we were sitting on the swings today and talking and all of a sudden she said Aba - Daddy, yay, so cute. I love when she knows she knows many words for one.
I am currently working on two sweaters, one for me and one for Zelia and finally found a dress that I want to make - but it's crochet so time to learn something new!
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