We made plans to play in the snow the following day. In the afternoon, after Zelia's nap we got her in the sled and Lazer in the stroller and went to explore what the blizzard had done. It was pretty wild and here are some pictures. Turns out it hasn't snowed like this in November for about 20 years! We met up with Uma and Roland and went for a short walk. The wind proved a bit cold for the girls. We headed back to our place for hot chocolate and lots more giggles.
Monday, Zelia was excited for leikskoli and for playing in the snow. Before picking her up Jacob and I took Lazer to the health clinic for his 3 month check-up and first shots. He has officialy doubled his weight and has grown 12cm since he was born! Amazing. Then in the afternoon we headed to Blönduós to give in our visa applications. We got there and the office had just closed, but they were so nice they took us anyway! whew. now Zelia tlaks about the visas we need.
Yesterday, I had a nice morning at mommumorgun talking to the priest mostly and then in the afternoon we went to meet Uma at NES for a painting session. The girls had a blast painting and paying with plasticine and generally running around.
It is getting light around 9:30ish these days and dark by 5 I think. So certainly shorter days. The snow everywhere helps tremendously since it reflects all the light. Supposedly wind and rain are coming which is too bad because then the snow will melt, ugh. We will see.
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