Friday, September 25, 2009

Rosh Hashanah 5770

On Friday we baked and prepared, cut up apples and made honey cookies and hosted Gisli, Gerdur, Tomas, Max, Tray and Debbie for Rosh Hashanah. Although Jacob and I were missing our families and being able to go to synagogue it felt really nice knowing that we had Gerdur, Gisli, Tomas and Tray for the hag last year - our tradition. Gisli joked that they were practically Jewish at this point:) What an amazing family! the hallot were great and the matzah ball soup delicious.

We decided that we would have a quiet family day for Yom Kippur and then have Max over for breaking the fast. Again, this is the oddest day without a synagogue but we will do what we can.


ג. ג. said...

Shana Tova and Gmar Hatima tova to all the Kasper family.