Friday, February 27, 2009


So, at the beginning of this week we decided to take Zelia out of the dagmamma she was going to. It just wasn't working and we could not keep doing it. So Tuesday night there was a simultaneous decision made by us and the Dagmamma, independantly. Now we had to rethink and see what we could do. We put the word out and got the name of a girl who was going to be returning from Norway where she had been working as an au pair. We contacted her and at the same time, by chance another dagmamma had an open space suddenly - huh! I contacted Harpa right away and by Wednesday morning we were there visiting. It was a great morning. Harpa is very professional, wanted to know what had happened in the first place and laid out a plan of attack for us, gave us a contract, a list of clothes she needs there for the week and her hot food menu!!! When I mentioned that we don't give Zelia sugar, her response was, I don't give them sugar, salt, strawberries, peanuts, kiwi or margarine - I had found the right match for me:) she has her 7 month girl, another girl who will be a year in a week and an 18 month old boy, all who are settled in and happy. Oh, and the first day we went she had fish for lunch so, really what more could a little Zelia want. We left feeling VERY hopeful, and I realized how strained I had been with the other situation.

Anyway, it has continued to be great and we move into the next phase on Monday, when we leave her for 10-15 minutes, come back and take her home and then do it again the next day. We'll let you know.

As to things she is doing more and more:
dancing, always dancing when she hears music, the funny thing is that all she needs to see is the Itunes on the computer and she begins - sometimes she sings
she plays peekaboo all the time, but says "beh" as they do here. She will initiate and hide her eyes with her hands sometimes, at times for a very long time.
she loves pulling out the soup pots and sitting inside them, and she really likes going for a ride.
I have given her some crayons and take them out for a short moment everyday. Once or twice she has put some color on the page, but she is more interested in eating them:)
she LOVES to say halo on the phone, and is waving goodbye to everyone
she seems to be on the verge of walking soon. She stands more and more on her own, sometimes clapping and even dancing and twisting.
AND she stands near the washer and hands me the wet clothes to hang up, then sometimes she starts putting the dirty clothes in - so so so so sweet

Well, this afternoon we are going to swim with Heidy and Alexander and then go back to her house for coffee and cake with Sunna. After that to Icelandic class and finally dinner at Taian's new place. Last night we had dinner at the other apartment for the last time since they are all changing their living situations and it was a riot seeing Zelia with Traian. She has always rally liked him, but yesterday she sat on the floor and played and played and even wanted him to pick her up!

Oh yes - she is clapping, and will clap and put her hands on her head when we sing in Hebrew:)