Monday, March 9, 2009

step and snow

Well, they told us that March brought on the snow and so it seems....since March began we have had almost endless snow. This entire weekend it snowed and blowed around - it is impossible to know how much fell. Our living room window, which is our measurement right now, is 1-2 feet higher than it was on Friday. The snow from the week had compressed and by last night we could see the new layer clearly on top of it:)

The weekend was pretty quiet as a result, not even good enough for walking and hiking. The wind was cold and blowing the snow all around. Plus, we were told by Runar, who works in the Avalanche institute, that the snow is VERY unstable at the moment, layers of ice and powder - not a good combination.

This week Jacob begins a new course in fisheries management, so very exciting. It is also the first distance course. For two weeks the professor from Oregon will be giving lecture via distance learning tools and then for one week a professor will be here. Then it is hard to believe but it will be Easter vacation and we will have 3 weeks off. Well, Jacob will and I will take some time, but not all.

On Saturday night, we were invited to a delicious dinner at Albertina´s house. She is from here and teaches English in the University Centre. She has also been coming to Pilates and took the last class with Jacob´s group. While we were there, Zelia and I were on the floor playing and she was standing up a lot. She wanted me to take her and I kept my hands just out of reach and finally out of frustration she lifted her little foot and moved it 2-3 inches!!!! Everyone clapped, she turned and smiled and then sat down:)

Yesterday, after borrowing Gisli and Gerdur´s car to go to Bonus, I made Hamantashcen for the first time in my life (at least that I can remember). I found a recipe online and got to work making a prune filling. Toward the end, Jacob asked if I would make some chocolate ones, which I am usually against. Don´t ask me why, some silly thing I have about what should be inside a hamantaschen (no poppy seeds here....). Anyway, they came out really well and the chocolate ones were delicious, like the best chocolate chip cookie ever!!!! It helped that the dough was more like that kind of a cookie rather than a pastry. We made little baggies and I have printed out very short explanations about Purim and mishloach manot. Zelia and I will deliver them later today.