Well, March here is not leaving like a lamb - it entered with a blizzard and is leaving with one. We woke this morning to A LOT of snow and high winds - schools were closed. Harpa said we could bring Zelia, so we did, to keep her schedule in tact. When Jacob picked her up 2 hours later she was laughing and playing which was a big step. Tomorrow she is going for 3 hours!!!!! Progress is sweet.
I walked to school this morning in my full length down coat, snow pants, two hats and boots. It was quiet. Most people did not go to work and the streets were significantly quieter than the last storm when they closed schools after the day began. I got some work done and returned home. Zelia was sleeping in her stroller in the bedroom. She is reading a lot of books these days and goes through them quickly. She stands on the couch asks for the books on the shelf above her, looks at the book and puts it on the floor and asks for the next - a very fast reader. She still loves to walk up and over the couch arm and look out the window and play. She and I ended up taking a nap while Jacob was VERY busy making what smells like a delicious chicken tangine dish with dates. Then we bundled up and went for a walk in the sun at 6:30pm!!!! what fun, the streets were under feet of snow. Here are some pictures from our walk.
Zelia is saying daddy....and she says oooooooh when she pets someone, anyone, as you can see (even her own head)
PS. the dish Jacob made is one of the best dishes I have ever eaten....
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