Zelia and I arrived on Friday afternoon and were picked up at Logan by Ima and Aba. Zelia had slept for the whole flight but was awake and curious as we drove to the house. Right away we got to see Baki, Angie, Lily, Lucy, Topper, Lauren, Ian and Mama Z!!!!!! What a treat. After a delicious dinner of Panamanian meat pie we headed to bed tired and satisfied.
Not surprisingly, Zelia and I were up at 6am ready for the day, at least it wasn´t 4am! Although, even more surprisingly we were not the first ones up, but Baki and Angie had already taken turns going out for a run. Then Baki went out and got fresh bagels from Bagelworld, yummmmmm. We spent the day hanging around, trying on clothes (yes Lauren and Ima went and found me an outfit to wear to Sarah´s wedding), returning some things and looking for others. The best part was getting out with Lauren and Angie for some shopping and a pedicure – what a treat!!!!! Thank you Angie Then in the afternoon we began getting ready and Zelia looked smashing in the dress Mama Z brought for her. We drove to Beverly in the rain to the wedding, mud and puddles everywhere we got into the house and enjoyed seeing everyone as we waited for the ceremony to begin. We also enjoyed taro chips and iced tea – Zelia loved the chips and I didn´t realize that they bleed their color!!!! Ahh, all over my white pants and sweater. After a lovely ceremony, Sarah looked beautiful in her dress, we scavenged the hors d'oeuvres and drank some j´suise wine – check out the link on the side of the blog. Sarah and Oren make it themselves. Zelia was beginning to feel at home and was wondering around having a blast. When it was time for dinner we all moved outside under the tents to sit at long tables covered with burlap table clothes – totally adorable and had a bbq feast! Zelia didn´t join us for even a minute but was walking back and forth between the tent and the house, taking anyone´s hands who gave them to her and sitting on the windowsills
The next day, when we finally made it out of the house we piled into 3 cars and headed to the Children´s Museum!!!!! Of course the first day of summer vacation was rainy and the line was long, but once we got in it was a blast. Bubbles, golf balls, climbing structures, hair salons, construction sites, sewage tubes, building areas – we saw only a fraction of the place and even played after lunch before heading home and sleeping in the car. Everyone did so well for such a long time. It was so much fun to watch Lily work meticulously building and see Lucy and Zelia crawling around in the tubes. Sadly, the New Jersey Cheathams left early on Tuesday morning. Thankfully Lauren, Ian and Utah were staying until Thursday morning. Also, we got to see Laura, Rebecca and Noa, all looking beautiful.
On Wednesday Lauren, Ian, Zelia and I met Kathie at A&J King where we enjoyed coffee, chai lattes and sticky buns...the best. I put in an order to pick up on Friday morning and fly to Iceland for Jacob. Kathie, Zelia and I walked around Salem, visited the knitting store and then headed to the little children´s museum there. It was run down and small but Zleia had a blast playing in the fire engine and seeing Kathie. Ima, Lauren, Mama Z and Ian were all at the mall trying to find Lauren new clothes for her grad school adventure – woohoo!
I have to mention that the entire time Zelia was asking to go home, saying baita, baita. She would look for Daddy, find him in pictures and walk around with them and kiss them. When Jacob called she would listen to his voice and ask for him on the phone. It was very sweet and a little sad to watch. One of the days I was telling someone about her saying baita for home and she was clearly listening. The next morning she looked at Ima and said baita, when she didn´t respond, she said home....so sweet.
That night we had a feast! Mama Z treated us to a rib roast and it was delicious!!!
On Thursday we had a special visit from Melissa, Annabella, Rose and Lucas for lunch. What a wonderful family. Then later in the afternoon, Jocie, Theo, Sammie, Max, Hallie and Terri came for dinner of aroz con pollo. Sammie and Zelia had so much fun playing in the yard, sliding on the slide and driving in the little cars, Max has a blast playing with Max and Jasper next door and Theo was mowing the lawn. After a full day, Zelia was asleep in her stroller and I enjoyed a gin and tonic with Anthony and Rick.
Friday came and I could not believe that we were leaving that day. Fortunately it was the one warm and not rainy day! I had some last minute errands and packing to do and then my parents were having 50 people from the synagogue over for dinner!!!!! The rest was a whirlwind! People came, Zelia napped, we visited with and chatted and before I knew it we were out the door and in the car with Ima and Mama Z and I had not said goodbye to Aba – terrible! He had even made me a hamburger to take on the plane! Zelia had been feverish for 2 days so with tylenol and advil in hand we were off. Of course once at the airport my bag was SO heavy they wouldn´t accept it. So we repacked into the backpack and took only what I really needed on the plane and sent 2 bags through – always something.
Zelia slept almost the entire way and Jacob picked us up nice and early. Oh, I bought some wine and brenevin in the duty free when I got in and after finding Jacob the wine bottle fell and broke making a big mess in the terminal. A man went to get us some help and then told Jacob to go and knock on the door to customs, tell them what happened and that they would allow him in and get him another bottle!!!! REALLY?????? Apparently so, because after 10 minutes out he came with a new bottle of wine – unbelievable.
Zelia was so excited to be with her daddy again, took his hand and cried when he went to the bathroom.
Back in Reykjavik we were staying at Sigga´s place (she is the program director of the program). We were supposed to fly out that evening but it was too much so we stayed another 2 nights with Jacob, enjoyed the pool, walked around the city with new friends who moved to Reykjavik from Seattle (but are from Argentina and Ecuador) and just got to be together.
On Monday morning we flew to Ísafjörður and headed to dagmamma and work. On Tuesday afternoon Jacob and Terri arrived after a long drive...
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