It has been a long time since I have am trying to think back to what has been happening.
Jacob has been spending a lot of time out at sea on short trips, gone for 1-2 nights. He usually comes back with lots of fresh fish to fillet and for us to enjoy. Zelia and I really miss him when he is gone but thankfully it is only for a short while. There are many families here where the dad leaves for a month at a time.
We have been fixing up the back yard that has an old swing set. We need to ask someone to come and weld the see-saw back on and there is also a nice little sand box. Saevar, our landlord, who is now out at sea, let us know that in the summer the horses will come right up to the back yard, so he always installs an electric fence. He said his grandchildren touched it once and never again! I am sure not.
Zelia now LOVES leikskoli and asks to go everyday including the weekends. She is speaking more and more Icelandic when she is playing on her own at home and is at the moment singing the itsy bitsy spider in Icelandic - I love it!
I began teaching some kids this month both yoga and dance. I had really expected to have many many girls, but alas, no. I have 4 girls who come to every class and sometimes someone new to yoga. We are having a blast together which makes up for the disappointment. Yoga and pilates are continuing and I have some great women in class which again make it all worth it. This month there is an Icelandic dancer at NES and it has been great to get to know her.
I finished Jacob's lopi sweater which is my first with a zipper and after trying several times to get the zipper using Gunna's sewing machine, I walked across the street to Fjola, who put it in quickly for a bargain of 500isk!!!! She and another woman own a sewing company in town and she invited me to come and visit. So, on Wednesday I walked over after the gym and had such a nice time. It is sort of hard to explain why it was so nice, but I walked into a small room filled with fabric and machines (on Singer from 1902) and two women. They bought the company from Akureyri 5 years ago and they make hospital bed linens and work uniforms. We chatted in Icelandic, they invited me for a coffee and it was just really nice. They said I should come back whenever I want for some coffee...I certainly will. Right outside there were some horses and a new foal:) Lambs and foals are everywhere now.
Jacob's friend Justin arrived here on Wednesday and we have been having a great time together. On Thursday Zelia and Jacob were off for the Day of Ascension. Jacob and Justin went fishing in a nearby lake and brought back 2 char and 2 trout - delicious! Justin is a fabulous cook and we have been enjoying pasta bolognese and lentil soup:)
Last night we hosted a Shabbat dinner with 4 women from NES, from Iceland, US, and Australia. We had a great time and the food was delicious. Jacob also prepared some sea bird that he was given on his last trip out east. Everyone brought something and we had a great time. Before we knew it it was almost midnight and of course still light out. After about 2 weeks of beautiful weather, lots of sun and almost no wind, the wind picked-up last night and was howling. The clouds were racing by the window.
We had leisurely morning and then all headed to Saudarkrokur for some swimming...lovely, we are always so happy when we do that. After a few errands we stopped at the bakery for some kelinur and headed home. Zelia fell fast asleep, and after some food we all went for a nap.
Jacob is working hard on his felted clogs...he is almost done with his first one and I have begun working on Ian's sweater. Zelia's sweater is also finished and you will see it in the photos. She asked for a red sweater and here it is. It is too big, but at least will last through next winter and maybe longer. Here are several vidoes of her and also some pics of her first piny she has been wearing pig tails, she is getting so big!
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