Shabbat dinner was delicious and with great company Halldor, Sigga and Gudrun Anna came over. Pali and Oli were still skiing and would be by later. Jacob and I made Panamanian meat pie (the best one we have made yet, it was actually a bit spicier than I meant but delicious and we finally succeeded in making a pie crust), rice with corn, Israeli salad and Jacob made a skyr, greek yogurt "cheese cake" for dessert, yummmmmmm. Throughout dinner, Zelia could not keep her hands off of Gudrun, hugging her, kissing her, sittng on her lap, eating her food - I love watching her love other people. When we were about finished with dinner Oli and Pali came and Zelia was thrilled. At one point Oli and Pali were outside and she loved watching them through the window. She was just in a shirt and diaper and put her rain boots on. Pali came inside and all of a sudden we heard the door and there she was outside splashing in the big puddle that Oli was taking the water out of with a shovel (Zelia said, hu mefaneh et ha-mayim). We got some pictures and we were all laughing inside, it was very funny.
On Saturday morning, we took our car!!!!! Yes, we bought a car this week, a Renault sedan, little but great for us now, for a trip. We contacted Johanna and drove over the mountain to Saudarkrokur to the pool. It felt so good to be able to go and do something. The pool was great, an outdoor pool for laps and two hot pots of differet temperatures. Jacob and I took turns doing laps (I did 10!) and playing in the hot pot. It was perfect, large rain drops were falling from a very gray sky.
We did a few errands and drove home. Zelia fell fast asleep in the car and then continued to sleep in her bed. While she was sleeping big Oli (Oi's grandfather came) and we did the official purchase of the car, very exciting. He was so sweet and gave Zelia 5000isk to start a piggy bank - all Icelandic children apparently get one immediately. Later we walked to his house to get a drill and had tea and kleinur with Gunna, his wife. the wind was blowing so hard it was crazy! Zelia was bundled up on Jacob's back and was loving it, it was a warm wind so a bit different than previous wind storms.
Lovely fish for dinner and to bed. This morning we woke and Jacob made home made English muffins which we enjoyed with eggs, so good! The rest of the morning was spent fixing up the house and cleaning. Several weeks ago Jacob found an old piece of wood, probably had been drift wood and then used for a fence post to make a coat rack. Zelia loves helping him with the tools and kept talking about how they were working together and how we are a family standing together, eating together, working together. Very sweet. The coat rack looks really neat!
The wind is coming and going so we will see what we will do later in the afternoon, but hopefully we will get out for a walk.
Oh - I got good news at the end of the week Zelia will begin leikskoli next Thursday, we are VERY excited. We have spoken several times about her staying there without me and at least in conversation she is excited.
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