Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Snowy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday Lily!!! Woohoo, 5 years old, that's just great:) Plus you get to celebrate in Limerick - you are one of the few.

First our big news........Zelia cut her first tooth yesterday, just days past her ninth month. The funny thing is that we didn't even know. I was at the mommumorgun, talking about her health and how she has no teeth and my friend Sunna was feeling around in her mouth and looking. Then she said, make her laugh again, I did and there it was a little tooth coming through her bottom right gum. It actually looks like the other will come through at any moment as well! It explains the odd short screaming/yelp she would give out every once in a while. Already this new month has been full of development, whew, it's all so fast:) As I was leaving I looked outside and it was snowing!!! yay. It was a great day.

Last night the wind picked up, the temperature dropped and we listened to the howling all night. We got another 6-8 inches and it is supposed to continue for a few days so we should have a nice amount of snow for a while. Jacob has been working his tail off cooking for this evening. Can you believe he has made 4 separate stocks for the meal??? Well, you probably can, but still, amazing - nothing is too much when it comes to cooking:) He is in class and then has a meeting which is too bad but we will have some time to clean and set up and then people sill be arriving at 5:30 for the feast.

Oh, there are about 15 words for snow...I need to get a list:)

We miss you all a lot at this time and are thinking of you. We hope you all have a delicious and joyful Thanksgiving and please eat cranberries for us...