Shana Tova!!! What a way to celebrate - with a house full of people in this little apartment in Isafjordur, Iceland. We all ate in the apartment connecting since there was space in there to bring in all the tables we could find to seat 15 people. Much of Sunday and Monday was spent cooking. On the menu: hallah, noodle kugel, veggie kugel, ceviche, hot fish dishes, hummus, pita, olives. Israeli salad, honey cake and apple cake. Of course for all of us baking this was the first time we had used the ovens and as you can see they were TOO HOT!!!! ugh. SO frustrating after working so hard on the dough. Anyway, the hallot were passable but not fabulous. The oven in our apartment has the option of having heat from the bottom, top or both - it was set on both - just a bit too hot:(
Everyone from Jacob and Danielle's program came, Henry, Tanja, Astrid, Trann, Bjarni, Gisli, and Tor, those who were married brought their wives, Peter, the head of the University Center came as did the Professor in town, from Wales, Alan and his wife Hilary. Rosh Hashanah was a new experience for almost everyone and seemed to be enjoyed which was great! We even explained why ceviche in this house:) back to the cooking...after class Jacob met up with Gisli and they went and got amazing fresh fish, red fish, flounder, cod and wolf fish. Now if you know Jacob that means preparing 4 different dishes with all these fish. In the the end he decided not to make the flounder since we really had enough. So, the wolf fish were prepared on the stove in a pot with tomatoes, coconut milk and hot peppers, the cod and red fish were roasted whole in the oven - Zelia loved them! Tanja made the honey cake which came out very well and not dry at all!!!! Very surprising right - must find out where she found the recipe and Astrid made a delicious apple cake.
Zelia was all dressed up for her first Rosh Hashanah - notice her is a Yemenite dress and was mine when I was little. She had such a good time with everyone and then would get grumpy so then I would try to get her to sleep, she would nurse and want to head right back out and do the cycle again. By the end of the evening, in her pj's she was having a great time playing with Henry and his necklace.
It was a great evening and a great way to begin the new year.
This morning we were all pretty tired. I ran to the gym while Jacob was home and came back to a very grumpy Zelia who is now asleep. I think I will join her. This afternoon we have our swimming class and then this evening I am teaching a trial pilates class. fun.
ciao for now
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