We had a nice morning. Ima got a fabulous massage and Zelia and I spent some time at home. While here we had a nice visit from Helga whom we met through Dora. She rode her bike over to tell me that she had spoken with a man named Oli about me teaching pilates and that I should go and see him. So once Ima returned we went out to visit a gym, the post office and then to Oli's office. He wasn't in, buthis wife Cata was and she was very friendly. We went to find Jacob at the library and then headed home. On the way I met Oli and we made an appointment to meet today to discuss teaching. yay.
At three we got on the bus, really a mini bus for Sudureyri. We headed through the 6km tunnel and found ourselves in a very small town, known for its sustainable fishing practices - all hand and longlines used. We were dropped infront of thepost office and had 3 hours before the bus headed back. Well, we walked around the docks,looked at some fish,then we walked out of town to walk a dirt road along the water and then,well, only an hour had passed... We walked back to the post office but there was no earlier bus. There was a restaurant and inn but both were closed, we think for the season, so we continued to walk to the verslun (minimart). We bought some chocolate covered licorice and some bars of chocolate. The Sirius brand is very good and made hereand then we sat. Jacob wandered and we looked at some newspapers. Then we walked to the docks again hoping to buy a fish. I have to mention that Zelia slept the ENTIRE time, wow.
Back on the bus we decided to eat out once we returned, so was is to be Thai or Italian??? It was raining and we headed to the nearest and Thai it was. We got a taste of every dish they madethat day and Zelia enjoyed her chickpeas and some white rice. While we were there we bumped into Danielle another student and discussed inviting all the students to have a Rosh Hashanah dinner on Monday night which we are looking forward to. We laughed that we have the only mezuzot in allof Iceland. That's right,one on the front door and one on the bedroom door. Anyway, Zelia wasmaking friends of her own with a baby at another table. It turns out we had seen the baby and mom before at the massage place. Both parents eventually came over and we chatted with them,mostly the husband who spoke English very well. It turns out he is from Flatery, nearby, and some students in the program had interviewed his mom. The family fishes and has theirown business drying wolf fish. We exchanged information and will hope to hang out soon. How nice.
Finally, as we walked home, for the 4th time that day we ran into Jacob's professor who is here from Wales and we all had a good laugh at the smallness of the place. We had even seen him at Sudureyri:)
All these pictures are from there.
I ma leaves this morning and hoped to see a bit of Reykjavik which will be nice. My friend Cody who I met in Panama but whose family is from here (how crazy is that????) told us that 66*North has an outlit there... Hard to believe that Ima is not part of life here for real :(
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