Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Cold Saturday

Well, it is 6:23 PM and the sun is setting. We just returned from our weekly walk to Bonus. We went quite a bit later than usual and were out in the cold for about 2.5 hours. The puddles were frozen and in town we saw two cars with a covering of snow. Around us the mountains were whiter with more snow that was reaching down into the valley. It was truly beautiful. As we headed up past the library and up the hill we noticed some snow on the ground. It's surprising the difference between the snow cover up the hill a bit and in town. We took a different walk to Bonus and discovered a green house, which was closed for the season we suppose. There was a little shed with a grass roof and we grabbed two icicles for the rest of the walk. Zelia at this point was fast asleep. We also finally went to take a closer look at what we thought was a green house. It is a green house but basically a front yard of a house that is inside this dome with trees and bushed inside. The back half of the dome, where the house is has a great green roof as well. As we were checking out of Bonus we bumped into Tanja (from Jacob's program) and walked back together. The way back was even colder and the path was more frozen. brrrr, now we are waiting for a great snowfall. None has been forecasted as far as we know but we are excited to see what it will be like.

Last night, we had a wonderful potluck dinner party with about 15 people. Most of the students from Jacob's program came, as well as Katri and her husband Jukka and their son Pyry. Jacob made a delicious chicken marbella, Gisli and Gerdur brought a really good salt cod dish baked with raisins and pine nuts, yummm, Katri brought homemade rolls, Henry blueberry cobbler (with blueberries he had picked) Karro a German red wine cake (with chocolate). It was great. It is so fun to taste everyone's food. Jacob said they counted the number of languages around the table and came up with 13 - not bad for a little town:)

So, now it is 11 PM and really past bedtime. Jacob and Traian went out to fish and I put Zelia down. I was sitting here catching up on computer stuff when I saw Gerdur out the window - she came by to bring me many knitting magazines to help me find a pattern. I will be joining her and about 20 others at a knitting group Monday night. Again, I am blown away by people's desire to make themselves helpful and kind to me...

Good night
Godan nott
Lila Tov
Buenas Noches
Bon Nuit