It was quite a bit warmer today and the lovely snow is turning to slush, the icicles are all gone and the snow is falling off the roofs. Actually the last statement is not a joke and can be quite dangerous. As a matter of fact where I usually let Zelia sleep outside the studio, I now know is a potentially dangerous spot. She didn't fall asleep today and to be honest I had thought about it so wouldn't have had her so close to the building. But as we were inside working we all of a sudden heard a loud noise and saw a lot of snow fall off the roof, ugh. She continues to not feel great, have a runny nose and be very attached, so we are taking it slowly with lots of hugs and holding.
I am almost finished with my mittens which is very exciting, making the cable wasn't hard at all!!!! yay. I also spent some time making more flash cards with Icelandic words on them, now I need to study. Anyway, as we were inside this afternoon there was a lot of work happening outside the window on the street. I walked into the kitchen, looked out, and saw a huge pile of snow. HUGE - as tall as the first floor of the house at least. It was just getting bigger and bigger as they were bulldozing it. I think they were really clearing the street, getting up all the slush. It's still there and it's 9:50pm. Tomorrow they will push it into the ocean. This is a picture taken from the doorway.
Jacob gave his talk today about fishery driven evolution and did a great job. No, I wasn't there but I know that the professor asked him to give the talk again on one Friday when there are talks given to the University community. He was throwing around candy as well which was a big hit. Now he is working on his next project which is a poster. Tomorrow at 2, Z and I will head to the University to hear those presentations.
We are planning a trip from Saturday to Sunday and Katri, Jukka and Pyry are going to join us, Traian as well. We are heading 150 kilometers east to Heydalur - there are hot springs there, mmmmmm.
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