I mentioned that it looked like summer when we arrived, well it did not take long for winter to follow us:) The wind began to blow and the snow to fall and it was nothing short of wild. The wind was probably blowing between 45 and 60 miles an hour and there were a few days that were totaly crazy. Zelia and I were going a bit crazy inside just the two of us.
I forgot to mention earlier that right away we went to visit leikskoli, the daycare, and were told that there will probably be space for her in March or April but that we were welcome to come and visit once or twice a week until then. It is often the only time she gets to be with someone other than me and we both need it!!!! The teachers are great and this place really feels like a kibbutz which makes me smile, sort of rough, and perfectly Icelandic, kids are kids, playing hard and outside in all kinds of weather, even in this blizzardy stuff!
We have tried keeping busy making cookies for her birthday, hallah on Fridays and play dough just for fun. Since we didn't have the internet yet it was quite isolating for me and every once in a while we would head to Jacob's work and run around in the room upstairs. Thankfully it is big and open!
Believe it or not the blizzard got even worse than this!!!! We have snow drifts 12 feet high in areas around the house and then fields of grass - turns out that not that much snow fell but it was being blown off the mountains.
In the meantime I began teaching yoga, what a relief both for my head, body and socializing. the first free class was a HUGE success and 37 people came! Then on Wednesday when the storm was at its worse 17 people came and signed up for class cards - how cool! There is nothing like it here so it feels good to fill a niche. In a few weeks I will offer pilates as well.
these are so cool Andrea! Hats off to you! It takes time and effort - thank you for this. Love,
these are so cool Andrea! Hats off to you! It takes time and effort - thank you for this. Love,
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